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Building Strong Partnerships: A Conversation with BHHS Broker Andrew Stengren on HomeTeam’s Commitment

Berkshire Hathaway Broker Andrew Stengren knows that success in real estate hinges on building strong, reliable relationships. One of his most valuable partnerships is with Ed Miehlke, owner of HomeTeam Inspection Service.

Discovering HomeTeam

Eight years ago, after joining the real estate industry, Stengren was introduced to Miehlke and his team by a seasoned mentor in his office. Stengren was immediately impressed by Miehlke's professionalism and character.

“It starts and ends with Ed,” Stengren shares. “As I got to know him, I found out what a good guy he is — he’s got great character, he’s very dependable and he knows what he’s doing.”

The Unique HomeTeam Advantage

One standout feature of HomeTeam is their innovative team-based inspection model. Instead of relying on a single inspector, HomeTeam sends a team to conduct inspections. This approach not only saves time but also ensures thoroughness by allowing inspectors to focus on their areas of expertise.

“I love that they always bring two people to each inspection,” says Stengren. “You have one person who is walking through the entire house and making note of any potential areas for concern, and another who focuses on specific components of the home. As an agent, that gives me peace of mind, and it certainly gives my buyers peace of mind knowing that they are getting a thorough inspection and can confidently move forward with the buying process.”

Localized Expertise

Stengren also appreciates the depth of knowledge HomeTeam brings to the table. “They have teams of people who focus on different geographic areas, so each inspector is extremely knowledgeable about the areas that they are working in as well as local differences in homes,” he notes.

Educating Clients

For Stengren, the priority is his clients— and that’s where Miehlke and his team really deliver. “Ed and his team take the time to really educate buyers by giving them an understanding of the condition of various parts of the home, so that they can better plan and prepare for any repairs or improvements that may be down the road,” he says. “A hot water heater might be in fine working order, but maybe it’s getting towards the end of its suggested life cycle. Knowing that, buyers can start to budget for maintenance that lies ahead.”

Calm and Reassuring Demeanor

Miehlke’s ability to communicate effectively and calmly with clients is invaluable. “The way an inspector talks to people and his overall demeanor is extremely important because it’s easy for buyers to be spooked by an inspection,” Stengren says. “Ed has a way of getting to the point and letting a potential buyer know what actions need to be done, and when, in order to take care of any issues. He has a great bedside manner.”

Ongoing Support

Beyond the inspection, Miehlke remains accessible to clients, offering continued support and education. “Ed makes himself available to our clients beyond the inspection itself,” Stengren shares. “He goes out of his way to accommodate and educate them, and always tells my clients they can call him with any questions along the way.”

Consistent Quality

The professionalism and thoroughness of HomeTeam’s work keep Stengren coming back. “We continue to work with HomeTeam because of the quality of their inspections,” he affirms.

Commitment to Excellence

For HomeTeam’s Vice President, Josh Spires, feedback like Stengren’s is gratifying. “Our goal is to deliver high-quality service that adds real value to our trusted real estate agent partners. We strive to earn their business with every inspection we perform.”